About the Journal

Journal title Journal of Business and Political Economy: Biannual Review of The Indonesian Economy
Frequency  2 issues per year
DOI Prefix 10.46851by 
ISSN P ISSN : 2685-2004 || E ISSN : 2723-5734
Editor-in-chief Esther Sri Astuti Ph.D
Publisher INDEF
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Business and Political Economy
Published: 2024-08-16


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Journal of Business and Political Economy: Biannual Review of The Indonesian Economy [P-ISSN 2685-2004, E-ISSN 2723-5734] is devoted to the study of political economy, economy, and business issues, focussing on encouraging transparency on the economic decision-making process in Indonesia. The review is published biannually in June and December by Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF), Jakarta, Indonesia. The journal's coverage topics are, but not limited to, Finance and Banking, Institutional Economics, Agricultural Economics, Political Economy, Economics Science, Development Economics, International Trade, Monetary Economics, Industrial Economics and Macroeconomics. This journal also receives all of the articles from developing and developed countries.